Support: Linking Parts Lists to Assembly View Representations

On support we often get questions asked about working with Parts Lists and Bills of Material.  Today we were asked if it’s possible for the parts list to show different “configurations” of an assembly.

Support: Linking Parts Lists to Assembly View Representations

This can be done simply by using Design View representations within the assembly itself.  We have created a screencast to show you exactly how to do it.  If you need more help on creating these view representations or need more in-depth tuition on BOM’s, you should have a look at our modular based training.

Modular training courses are built by you for you. The exact content can be detailed based on your needs you require help on.  There is more information on the modular training here.

See the screencast showing you how to link the parts lists to your View Reps.


Automatisoi suunnittelun toistuvat työvaiheet

27 helmikuuta 2024

Suunnittelun automatisointi vähentää manuaalisen työn tarvetta, nopeuttaa suunnitteluprosessia ja parantaa tuottavuutta. Se säästää aikaa ja resursseja mahdollistaen suunnittelijoiden keskittymisen tuottavampaan työhön.

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